The Cadwal Chronicles 3 : Throy

The Conservancy of Cadwal has a new Charter- thanks to the courage of Glawen Clattuc and his beloved Wayness Tamm. But this has not brought peace to the people of Cadwal- instead, it has polarized them. Led by exiles, anti-Conservancy forces continue work to open Cadwal to commercial exploitation, while a new extremist faction seeks to restore Cadwal to entirely natural condition. In the middle are the governors of the planet, and their police force. Newly-promoted Commander Glawen Clattuc is charged with apprehending the conspirators wherever they might flee, but he also has a personal agenda. After twenty years, he will solve the mystery of his mother's death.

- summary from the official Jack Vance website

Cover for the Jack Vance book, using an original etching by Paul Rhoads, with digital colouring and typesetting by my self. Available in electronic formats directly from Spatterlight Press, as well as Barnes & Noble, Amazon and Kobo.