
The Halloween beads were special beads for the class, since it took place in October. The instructor showed us first how to make the jack o'lantern bead (left), using an orange base that was given grooves using the razor tool. Then the green stem was added and black glass features, those being further shaped by a tungsten tool. Then he showed us how to made the skull bead (right). His example had several skulls around the bead, and most students did likewise, but the red effect glass barrel bead I made really only had room for one, so I made it a prominent one. The skull is in white glass (not the best choice, as it gets too liquidy for proper control), and the eyes are glowbalt. As with the pumpkin, the features are detailed with the tungsten tool. The candy corn bead (center) is my own design, a simple cone bead made using a swirl of orange, black and grey glass.